Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hi, well its been a while! Winter continued on wonderfully with a good lot of spring snow. We went up to Mueller hut with our skis at the end of October. It was an icy climb up, so we carried our skis most of the way and used our crampons on our boots. We got to the hut as it was getting dark, and had a cosy night in spectacular scenery, all by ourselves.
The next day we ended up carrying our skis more, as we crossed an icy and exposed traverse below Mt Kitchener, and accross to the Annette Plateau. But the sun came up and softened the snow to lovely spring corn. We got to the top of the plateau and the views were spectacular. And we got sweeeet turns back to the hut.
The next day we had a leisurely morning and skied back as far as Sealy Tarns on beautiful snow, walking then back to the village.
The mountain weather was due to turn, so we headed east for some rock climbing on the coast :-)

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