Thursday, February 16, 2012

So I know I'm added sooooo many posts at once, and rushing through the seasons...... but been so busy having all the fun that there's just not enough time to blog it! Obviously I've been working a little too. Mountaineering-wise its been a disappointing season, with weather and lack of partners letting me down. But its all par for the course. Me and Craig had two good trips in the Matukituki, Liverpool Hut and Cascade Saddle, but no summits. Laurayne and I biked into the Dobson Valley for a climb of Dun Finuary, but a tiny weather window occurred at the same time as a bout of D&V! But all really good trips. Me and Craig summited Single cone (2319m) above Queenstown, a beautiful Peak, some rock and snow, and stunning views.
And I've been lucky enough to get a second hand bike, with dual suspension and disc brakes, so my riding has gone from strength to strength, and I now have some leg and arm padding, phew!
So some good bike trips local, and in Queenstown.
And now... I've moved! Up the west coast to Hokitika! Wild rugged coastline one way, and lush green hills the other. You can even see Mt Cook from my street on a good day!

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