Thursday, August 25, 2011


OK, while I'm blogging, I cant resist a few skiing pics. Been going up to Treble Cone, the mountain ski area near Wanaka, it has the best skiing in resort of any of the local mountains, with lift access to un-pisted gullies and steep terrain. Just what I needed! I have some new skis and touring set up (bindings that the heel can lift up on, skins, and avalanche rescue gear), so have been adventuring away from the resort, into the solitude of the back-country, where you can find fresh lines, and not see another soul. In NZ you have to be fairly open minded about snow conditions, especially as its not been a great year for snow, but have managed to find some powder, and have lots of fun.
We spend a bit of time talking about avalanche risk, and sometimes dig a snow pit, or a test block, just to be sure of risk minimisation, and for the practice. Its a bit different to resort skiing, obviously you need to be sure of navigation, and what the weather will be and has been doing. There's a lot of up to every down, and you need to be constantly assessing the risk. But to be in the mountain environment, away from crowds, and finding some fresh powder to make first tracks in is an amazing feeling, and worth it all :-)
Me and Craig had a trip up to Arthur's Pass and went to some of the canterbury club fields, we camped in his new 4WD van. Bit stromy while we were up there, but great fun, once I had mastered the rope tow nutcrackers again!
So fun to be had both on and off the resort, and loving winter. Just hoping for another cold snap and some great snow, as conditions are remarkably spring like! please stay cold, keep the winds low, and bring us more snow.......

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