Saturday, September 11, 2010

Winter Fun!

Well, once more it has been far to long between blogs, I can only appologise. My excuse? Having far too much fun :-)
It has really been an awesome winter. Having started out being very tentative on skis (hadn't skiied for years), I got myself a pass that allowed me access to 11 different ski fields accross canterbury. These were "club" fields, and very unlike any places I have skied before. They tend to be privately owned and, although they do have some groomed slopes, there is a vast amount of ungroomed terrain. They are much, much smaller than european resorts, but have a friendly and relaxed feel. As a result of avoiding the commercial fields, I am now able to ski in all types of snow, over all kinds of diferent terrain. Not with much style or grace, but I can ski it. The main joy of the winter was finding fresh powder to ski in. Once you get the hang of skiing in powder it feels like you are floating over the ground, flying even. It really is the most amazing feeling! The other good thing about the club fields is the lack of people. I had a week day pass too, which mean there was barely anyone else on the slopes, bliss!
I also had a winter walk up to Mueller Hut, in Mt Cook National Park. Me and Axel, a friend from USA, walked up there in a bit of a storm, but got up safely to find that we were the only ones up in this beautiful spot. Not another soul, and beautiful mountains as far as the eye can see. The next morning we left our packs at the hut, carrying only ice-axes we climbed to the top of Mt Olivier, a very small peak, but the first one that Sir Ed Hillary ever climbed :-) Stunning views in beautiful sunshine.
I feel pretty sad that winter is coming to an end, but climbing season is starting again soon, and I have lots of fun plans.
I have moved down south to a small town called clyde, nestled in the hills of Central Otago. Its beautiful. I have started working at a small country hospital and loving the quiet life! Lots to do, really close to the mountains.... so watch this space. Have also started running training again.....will give you more info on this at a later date!
Ta-ra for now xx

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