Monday, October 26, 2009

Mount Cook Trip!

Hi all, have just come back from a fantastic weekend road trip to Mt Cook. Me, James, Becks, Gary and Dyllan headed off on Friday evening for Fairlie, about half way to Cook, to break the journey at Gary's mum's house. We left for Cook the following lunch time, stopping off at the beautiful lake Tekapo and The Church of the Good Shepherd, a place I have been to before, but that I still love going to. A tiny chruch perched on the edge of a beautiful lake, with mountains all around it. We then drove up to an observatory to get a better view of the Southern Alps. On the drive to Cook Village you go past lake Pukaki, a turquoise-blue glacial lake, and on a clear day, you can see Mount Cook Accross the waters. We were so lucky to get this view that day. It was so amazing, possibly my favorite view in the world! So exciting to see Cook, and think that one day I might stand on top of it. I could have stayed there all day looking at that view, but we pressed on to find our cabin in the glentanner complex. We had a tiny cabin, bit of a squeeze with four of us and a baby! But really cosy. We sat out in the sun with a glass of wine and watched a beautiful sunset over Cook.
The next day we headed into Mt Cook village for a look around the visitor centre, and had a lazy day in the sunshine. We did a couple of short walks in th hooker valley, and had a drive down the Tasman Valley, but mainly just took in the beautiful surroundings. A couple of cold beers in the Mt Cook bar went down a treat, and we had a little nosy around the village, finding a campsite from which to base our next adventure. We'd love to come back soon, for a bit longer and do some of the walks in the area, with a hut stay overnight, and I hope to come back to the region with the mountaineering club too.
Back to the cabin for some dinner and a sherry! The boys went hunting that night, and me and Becks chilled at the cabin.
We were lucky enough to have great weather all weekend, until we left and the clouds and rain came. We popped in to Gary's mum's on the way back again, but we had a tired baby to get home, and an even more tired Angela, who had to go do a night shift!
Cant wait to go back!


  1. Hi Ang.
    Dad ,dave and I loved the photos. They are really good.
    We have however noticed in one of the previous photos that James has a tatoo!......
    speak soon Mum xxx

  2. Glad you enjoyed the climb - Alone??!!
    photos are great. be Careful (only a mum could say that in public!) xx
