Tuesday, October 20, 2009

catching up...

Hey, just thought I ought to get you up to speed on what's been going on, its been a while since i updated my blog, and I hate for you all to think that I'd forgotten you! The weather has been a bit more iffy over the last few weeks, the sunshine has been interspersed with some heavy rain, and even snow! This had put paid to a couple of climbing trips unfortunately, as has work. Boo to working weekends! I have decided to cut down my hours at work anyway, so long as finance allows, so more free time makes Ange a very happy girlie indeed!
Anyway, the last few weeks I've been out into the Port Hills climbing once, at a sport crag called Britten Crag at Mount Pleasant, with Sarah and Brett. I ended up climbing next to famous mountaineer Stephen Venables! How exciting. Me and James also had a look at Castle Rock, another great looking crag in the port hills, which we will save for a sunny day!
I've been exploring the local area a bit more, with a drive to Diamond Harbour the weekend before last (forgot the camera though, sorry!!!). Its a beautiful little harbour on the banks penninsular, just a short drive from the city, a great place to hang out and chill, and a very scenic drive there. I've also been exploring the shops! (suprise, suprise)mainly to stock up on camping gear for our next adventure!
Not a lot of other news, been planning trips to Fjiordland and Southland for next year, and have a long weekend in Mt Cook Village next weekend, so watch this space for great pics of beautiful scenery (fingers crossed for the weather!!)
Oh and I wont go into too much detail but there may have been a small tree climbing episode after a few too many wines, all good practise you understand, and very elegantly done I'm sure! Thank God we definately did NOT have the camera then!!
I hope all are well back home, missing you lots but having far too much fun to come home, so I hope you are all saving for your tickets to NZ....

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