Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Arthurs Pass, 2 Scots, a Pom and a Kiwi!

Andy is leaving NZ so we decided to take a trip to Arthur's pass, with his mate Magnus and our friend hayley from work. We headed off Sunday 24th Jan to the CMC hut, had dinner and a few drinks that night. Hayley joined us at 6.30 am th next morning, and we all set off, after a good brekkie, to Avalanche Peak. It was a beautiful day, and we followed Scott's track up through the bushline, through tussock and on to a rocky ridge. From here the summit was gained by all, after a little encouragement.....
The views from the top were amazing. Rolleston looked beautiful as always, and you could see Murchison and Franklin in the distance. The boys chose to carry on around the ridge to Mt Bealey, but Hayley, whose first ever mountain it was (Yey) and I went back down the way we came.
Tired but satisfied we had dinner drinks, and games that night at the hut. Next morning we took it easy, had an ice-cream, and a walk to devil's punchbowl waterfalls. Me and Andy went for a run, and we spent the rest of the day basking in the sun. We went out to the "wobbly Kea" for tea and a glass of wine.
The next day the boys were leaving for the west coast. Hayley walked the Bealey track and I raced to the top of Avalanch peak and back in under three hours, just to see if I was fit enough, as I am now officially entered in the Routeburn Classic, a 32km cross country run in the fjiordland mountains!
We has an ice cream and headed home, for a good rest before an early the next day. An awesome few days :-)

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